How we work
Making first contact
Please fill in and return to us the request form for an expertise (click here to download) together with at least two photographs of the artwork (front and back). It is particularly important to state clearly the purpose of your request. Well-defined questions will help us to focus our work. Any information given to us will always remain fully confidential. We will prepare for you a costed analysis plan for a scientific expertise that answers your questions.
Submitting your artworks for examination
At Geneva freeport we can arrange secure storage of your works of art for the entire duration of our investigation, inside or outside the duty-free zone in the fully air-conditioned warehouse of an art shipping agent.
With our mobile equipment we will also travel worldwide to examine works of art that cannot be taken to Geneva.
Insurance options
During the investigation on our premises, works of art must be insured by the client. You may choose between the following options:
- Choose the all-risks-included nail-to-nail insurance option in our quotation
- Arrange your own insurance cover, for example by extending an existing policy
- Sign an insurance waiver
How long does the examination take?
For a scientific authenticity study you should count about 2-3 months. If you cannot leave your artwork in Geneva for this long we can also do the investigation in shorter time (minimum 2 weeks). However, results of some physico-chemical analyses may take longer to obtain.
When we write our report, the absence of the artwork can be a disadvantage. If we can keep the work to the end we will verify our results and conclusions in front of the object, in comparison with relevant reference publications allowing us to take the interpretation further.
Preliminary results
Depending on the first results the initial analytical plan may be modified. Any suggested changes will be discussed with and confirmed by you. Working in several steps helps to avoid unnecessary expenses. We do not charge for analytical work from the initial estimate that is finally not considered necessary.
Our conclusions and our report
We characterize the materials and techniques of your work of art using physico-chemical analysis techniques. The results will be put into context in comparison with relevant reference works. On this basis we will arrive at the conclusion that the materials and techniques match those known to have been used by the artist in question, or that they do not. Full interpretation of the results and clear conclusions are our specialty, if necessary supported by sometimes difficult to obtain scientific references.
Our prices
We are neutral and totally independent of the art market. Our prices are calculated exclusively on the basis of the work carried out (analyses and working hours). They do not depend on the market value of the artwork. In order to avoid any conflict of interest we can under no circumstances accept a percentage of a future sale as payment.
We require advance payment for our work.