Geneva Fine Art Analysis
L’art moderne dans tous ses états.
Un bilan sur les matériaux employés au 20eme siècle : leur dégradation, conservation et identification
Geneva Fine Art Analysis
By associating the “Condition Report” with scientific analysis you will give added value to your works.
Case study
An article about our collaboration with the MHS for the analysis of some Pictet objects!
Case study
Geneva Fine Art Analysis is very pleased to be part of the restoration project of the Papyrus Bodmer 101 (PB101 – Egyptian “Book to come out into the light” or “Book of the Dead”) with the restorer Florence Darbre.
GFAA had the pleasure to present its work “L’analyse scientifique des oeuvres d’art” as part of the online seminar “Les métiers du marché de l’art aujourd’hui” at UNIGE!
Case study
Geneva Fine Art Analysis was pleased to collaborate with the Musée d’histoire des sciences de Genève, on their new exhibition “Le théatre des expériences”.
Geneva Fine Art Analysis
“A universal magic scientific technique to detect forgeries does not exist,” asserts Kilian Anheuser, head scientist at Geneva Fine Art Analysis in Switzerland.
Geneva Fine Art Analysis
The art world is increasingly turning to scientific analysis of pigments to find out how time has changed some famous paintings.
Geneva Fine Art Analysis
Thanks to the RAM and especially to Anne-Laure Bandle for giving us the great opportunity to work with a wonderful panel of experts and specialists to put together the “RAM’s Guidelines for Experts Authenticating Works of Fine Art”
How and why?
Insect pests and insecticide problems for museum staff and other interested professionals.